Tesco Serious Illness Cover

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Tesco Serious Illness Cover. Fact! If you don't compare serious illness cover quotes you will not get the best deal. Compare and save £1000's.

Tesco are more famous as the UK’s largest retailer, but they also provide a comprehensive range of protection insurance products such as life insurance, critical illness cover and serious illness cover.

To find your best serious illness cover complete the form on the right and we will get to work. Choose critical illness cover to compare the best serious illness quote.

Serious illness cover is an insurance policy which covers any critical illness or health problem which is listed in the policy. The policy offers a lump sum payment if you are diagnosed with any disease, during the course of the insurance policy or as it reaches maturity.

About Tesco Serious Illness Cover

Tesco is a private institution which was founded in 1997. Headquartered at Scotland, it has over 1400 employees working at their head office and Newcastle site. Its telephone and internet banking is one of the largest in the United Kingdom. Its contact centers are at Newcastle and Glasgow.

Types of Serious Illness cover

Serious illness cover policy offers a pre determined sum when the policy holder with any serious illness, which the insurance policy covers. But this also have other alternate ways. One of which is that, the insurance company pays the sum to the health providers, so that the treatment cost is covered. In this, the maximum amount which can be offered is already set and it is released per treatment session.

However, some policies offers travel and treat option for those who want to take treatment from other hospitals in the state or country. This comes when you take up a plan which covers global critical illness coverage. The insurance firms directly pay to the hospitals so that the individual is not hampered for the lengthy procedure of reimbursement. While, the policy holder can also pre-list hospitals as they take up policy.

Tesco Covers serious illness policy offers coverage of ? 750,000 without a medical. Also, the new customers get a three months time for notice for any claim for the critical illness coverage. They also offer auto mortgage guarantee and a maximum coverage of ? 1,000,000.

Rival Companies

Tesco is not a very old financial institution and its modern techniques have made it run against firms like the cooperative critical insurance critical illness cover, Prudential Critical illness cover etc.

Review of Tesco Serious Illness Cover

though you may not be able to find any review at www.reviewcenter.com, Tesco is still a very famous name all over as its insurance products are highly rated. You can read a review of other products on link and also write your experience about Tesco serious illness cover.

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